Sunday, 9 October 2011

Autumn leaf animals!

Inspired by this activity, found on pinterest-

the children and I made some creations this afternoon!

First we went out for a walk and collected leaves in a bag!

When we came home we looked at the website for ideas and then made a start, these are some of the animals made by myself and my 2 year old son-

My 5 year old daughter adapted some of the ideas and then went on a creative whim and made some of her own!!-


Saturday, 8 October 2011

Chunky cherry fudge cookies

Another cookie recipe that my children love to help with (good and chopping fudge and cherries!)

Makes 18

75g (3 oz) butter at room temp
75g (3oz) caster sugar
75g (3 oz) light muscovado sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg, beaten
175g (6 oz) self-raising flour
100g (4 oz) of choc covered fudge bars (I use the Cadburys' finger of fudge bars)
75g (3 0z) glace cherries

1. Put the butter, sugars and vanilla in a mixing bowl and beat together until pale and creamy.
Stir in the egg and flour and mix until smooth.

2. Stir in the fudge and cherries then spoon 18 mounds onto baking sheets lined with a non stick baking paper/liner, leaving space between them to spread during baking
3. Bake in a preheated over 180 C (350 F) Gas mark 4 for 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown.
Leave to harden for 1-2 mins then loosen and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely

These are best eaten on the day they are made.
