What is something
Mummy always says to you?
A: Good girl
T: I’m being good
What makes mummy
A: Me being good
T: Me being good
What makes mummy sad?
A: Me not being good
T: Me being naughty
How does mummy make
you laugh?
A: By telling me
T: When you laugh, it makes me laugh
What was mummy like
as a child?
A: Cute!
T: Tiny
How old is mummy?
A: 33
T: 33
How tall is mummy?
A: I don’t know
T: taller than me
What is mummy’s
favourite thing to do?
A: Spend time with us
T: Cuddle me
What does mummy do
when you’re not around?
A: Go out with
T: is sad (aww!)
If mummy becomes
famous what will it be for?
A: Being the best mum
in the world
T: looking after
What is mummy really
good at?
A: being a mum
T: finding glow in
the dark hama beads
What is mummy not
very good at?
A: Skipping
T: scrunched up
(scrunching up little bits of paper for craft!)
What does mummy do as
a job?
A: be a teacher
T: looks after me
What is mummy’s favourite
A: Brownie cake
T: chocolate cake
What makes you proud
of mummy?
A: Your love
T: letting me watch
If mummy was a cartoon
character who would she be?
A: Cinderella
T: One of Thomas’
friends on TV
What do you and mummy
do together?
A: Lego!
T: Puzzles
How are you and mummy
the same?
A: Coz we’re girls
T: The same body
(??!!) erm......The same jeans?
How are you and mummy
A: eyes
T: we don’t have the
same eyes
How do you know mummy
loves you?
A: kisses
T: you smile at me
Where is mummy’s favourite
place to go?
A: Legoland
T: the park with me