Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Kids Questions 2012

I found a list of questions on Pinterest, I did ask my children these last year but forgot to post them! These are this years answers. A is my daughter, aged nearly 6 1/2 T is my son, he is aged 3 and 3/4! (the blanks on T's side are just when he didn't understand the qu!)

What is something Mummy always says to you?
A:  I love you
T:  Go and get dressed!!
What makes mummy happy?
A:  Pretty music and with Daddy, me and T
T:  Sleeping!
What makes mummy sad?
A:  When she’s on her own
T:  Me doing silly things
How does mummy make you laugh?
A:  putting a funny face on
T: you do this (does funny faces and dancing)
What was mummy like as a child?
A:  cute
T: You played with baby toys
How old is mummy?
A:  32
T:  11
How tall is mummy?
A:  32 feet tall
T:  big, really big, like this (stretches arms up)
What is mummy’s fave thing to do?
A:  read books in the bath
T:  Play a game with me and do puzzles and play lots of love and trains
What does mummy do when you’re not around?
A:  Take T to nursery and go to the library and swimming
T:  Do you play on your own?
If mummy becomes famous what will it be for?
A:  Sleeping
What is mummy really good at?
A:  Colouring in the lines
T:  numbers and letter
What is mummy not very good at?
A:  swimming like this (front crawl)
T:  muddled up puzzles
What does mummy do as a job?
A:  Nothing, because you don’t have one- remember?!
T: you can do a job at work
What is mummy’s  favourite food?
A:  Chocolate cake
T:  Ice-cream
What makes you proud of mummy?
A:  When she helps me tidy my room
If mummy was a cartoon character who would she be?
A:  Dora the Explorer
What do you and mummy do together?
A:  Play games
T:  Go out with daddy and anna to Legoland or Portugal or JJs
How are you and mummy the same?
A:  We’ve got the same trainers
T: Me getting bigger like you
How are you and mummy different?
A:  Not the same colour hair or eyes
T:  Me little
How do you know mummy loves you?
A:  She gives me lots of hugs and kisses
T:  I give you kisses and cuddles
Where is mummy’s favourite place to go?
A: Portugal
T:  The park

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