Wednesday 13 October 2010

Autumn Walk and Rainbow Art

Last week, the kidlets and myself were having a bad afternoon- we were all fed up. It was a lovely sunny autumn day however so I decided to take them for a nature walk in some meadows near to our house.

I was quite pleased with myself as I am definitely a mum who can easily sit and stick, paint, read stories etc but lack in the 'get out and run around' side of parenting! We just hung a carrier bag for collecting Autumn 'bits' on the push chair and donned the wellies!

We were out about an hour and a half just exploring the trees, a stream, fields etc The kidlets really enjoyed the freedom of running around as we have quite a small garden at home!

When we got home and mini-T had gone to bed, A and I looked at all the things we'd collected. We divided them into colour groups and laid out a rainbow on a large piece of paper. We didn't stick it, we just took pictures to keep a memory of it. If we'd thought about it and had more time, I supposed we could've pressed all the items and then stuck them down for a more permanent piece of art!

But we were quite pleased with the result!

Happy collecting!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! Very Andy Goldsworthy. I could have used your pic as stimulus for Squirrel Class art class last week!

    T x
